
Showing posts with the label Bitcoin Cash

The Future Of Bitcoin, Ethereum & ICOs

This is a great video which discusses the future of Bitcoin, Ethereum and ICOs. The most interesting part is at the 1 hour mark where Craig Wright explains some of the future technology which will exist in Bitcoin Cash or does already. I was super impressed after watching it and suggest you do the same. 1GB blocks are not the end goal. Block size will get bigger and bigger over time. Hard forks will become the norm, not shunned. According to Craig Wright in the video, hard forks occurred all the time in early days of Bitcoin. The way you determine if new changes to the software will work is by testing. In the end, the market will decide which coin to value the highest not influencers. Economics still works as long as the data sources are not corrupt. The video is no longer available. You will be glad you did.   Interested in learning more? Explore our  Connecticut SEO Agency  and delve into our  Bitcoin Blogspot  for a wealth of free, original content. Don't mis...

BCH Dumping

Based on my sources the reason for the BCH dump today is because GBTC started selling their BCH holdings to pay a dividend to shareholders. Their goal is to sell about 170,000 BCH over time. This will end eventually as it was based on the holdings of GBTC after the August 1st fork. Everybody keep calm and be patient. Interested in learning more? Explore our  Connecticut SEO Agency  and delve into our  Bitcoin Blogspot  for a wealth of free, original content. Don't miss out—share this post, and thank you for reading!

Segwit2x Fork - Market Protection

It is my understanding that the Bitcoin Segwit2x (B2X) still has a small probability of happening. This is because a faction of miners still believes in it despite the major market players calling it cancelled. This would enable protection for Bitcoin (BTC) owners who are susceptible to chain spiral of death due to Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Since BTC has no Emergency Difficulty Adjustment, if there is another crazy spike in Bitcoin Cash (BCH), which in my opinion is likely, all buyers of Bitcoin (BTC) after the August 1 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) fork have no protection. This is a big deal because many people new to Bitcoin (BTC) may have invested large sums of money with no understanding that it could go to zero. We will see if this hard fork occurs around tomorrow or not. It is very exciting times to be involved in crypto currencies. It’s probably a good idea to have at least some exposure to Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to ensure that you have some diversification in the event of another black swan. In the...

Bitcoin Cash Will 3X My Investment

Based on recent news I am more bullish on Bitcoin Cash than ever before. Just recently the CME chairman announced that Bitcoin futures will be listed as early as next month. According to a prominent crypto VC, this news signifies that Bitcoin will be able to be shorted. This is a large problem if you have (BTC) because Wall Street and Crypto Valley are not yet on the same page. I can envision large market forces attempting to damage (BTC). Luckily, if you have Bitcoin Cash (BCH), this is not a problem. Some of the same forces that short (BTC) may actually long (BCH) which may result in another huge pump. Roger Ver is likely transitioning more of his 300,000 BTC into Bitcoin Cash. Keep in mind Bitcoin Cash has only been live since August 1st 2017 and has already bulged to the second highest network cap in crypto. This is not by error. Additionally, Mike Novogratz has been buying Bitcoin over the weekend. He is likely responsible for the uptick in price as his firm bought $15-$20 Million...

Today's Bitcoin Highlights

Bitcoin (BTC) hash rate just dropped 50% nearly overnight. It's currently 70.3% more profitable to mine Bitcoin Cash instead of BTC. Bitcoin (BTC) fees rising. Interested in learning more? Explore our  Connecticut SEO Agency  and delve into our  Bitcoin Blogspot  for a wealth of free, original content. Don't miss out—share this post, and thank you for reading!

Bitcoin Cash Overtakes Ethereum to be #2 in Market Cap - $30 Billion

Bitcoin Cash Overtakes Ethereum to be #2 in Market Cap - $30 Billion on November 12. Interested in learning more? Explore our  Connecticut SEO Agency  and delve into our  Bitcoin Blogspot  for a wealth of free, original content. Don't miss out—share this post, and thank you for reading!

Segwit2X Is Still Go - Complete Wealth Transfer From Legacy Bitcoin To Bitcoin Cash In Progress

Since Segwit activation on 23 August, the Segwit2X team had endured 2 months of relentless bashing from the small blockers , all the while remaining mostly silent. So what happened between October 26 and November 8? It can't be for the lack of consensus which was the reason given. They already knew there was never going to be consensus. Something unexpected happened, causing them to push the "kill" switch. What was it? The full article is no longer available. Interested in learning more? Explore our  Connecticut SEO Agency  and delve into our  Bitcoin Blogspot  for a wealth of free, original content. Don't miss out—share this post, and thank you for reading!

There Are Only Two Cryptos That Matter Right Now by Jared Schlar

In my opinion after extensive research I have determined that only two crypto coins or tokens matter until after the Segwit hard fork. This article was previously behind a paywall and is now free. In my paid content you can discover my rationale for this including extensive research I conduct daily. This article is paid and I hope it provides a large value to readers with new insights. My background as a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Analyst helps me understand indicators about the crypto world that are hard to quantify without the same training. #1 Bitcoin #2 Bitcoin Cash When the Bitcoin Cash fork happened people would borrow Bitcoin on margin at crazy interest rates just to get exposure to the fork. There is now and I anticipate more until the BTC fork, a rush to accumulate new BTC to get a sort of dividend after the BTC fork. What the exact split ratio will be, I don’t think anyone is totally sure at this point. The powers that be have a huge incentive to make the fork come out ...

What are the Main Drivers Behind Positive Bitcoin Cash Movement?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH aka BCC) has been the focus of discussion for many cryptocurrency experts and there are valid reasons for such inquiry. Bitcoin Cash is experiencing significant growth and moving in the right direction right from when the main Bitcoin blockchain hard forked. Let us go through details of how it is performing and also check the reasons which are fueling such positive movement. Rising Bitcoin Cash Prices Yesterday, there has been over 18% improvement in exchange rate (BCH/USD) from the low to the high, helping Bitcoin Cash attain $550.00 level with a network cap of about $9.1 billion. As such, it has reached the top 3rd position of cryptocurrencies by their network cap. I use network cap rather then market cap because it is not an equity and does not have earnings. What is causing the price rise for Bitcoin Cash? There are several reasons for such a price rise, let us look at them here: The most important reason is that there has been a surge in trading volume taking pla...

A Closer Look into (MGTI) — A Publicly Traded Bitcoin Mining Company

(MGTI) also known as  MGT Capital Investments Inc.   is engaged in acquiring and developing a diverse portfolio of cyber security technologies. What strikes me as the most interesting thing about the company is its Bitcoin/Ethereum Mining operation. Read more about MGTI on Medium . Interested in learning more? Explore our  Connecticut SEO Agency  and delve into our  Bitcoin Blogspot  for a wealth of free, original content. Don't miss out—share this post, and thank you for reading!