The Future Of Bitcoin, Ethereum & ICOs
This is a great video which discusses the future of Bitcoin, Ethereum and ICOs. The most interesting part is at the 1 hour mark where Craig Wright explains some of the future technology which will exist in Bitcoin Cash or does already. I was super impressed after watching it and suggest you do the same. 1GB blocks are not the end goal. Block size will get bigger and bigger over time. Hard forks will become the norm, not shunned. According to Craig Wright in the video, hard forks occurred all the time in early days of Bitcoin. The way you determine if new changes to the software will work is by testing. In the end, the market will decide which coin to value the highest not influencers. Economics still works as long as the data sources are not corrupt. The video is no longer available. You will be glad you did. Interested in learning more? Explore our Connecticut SEO Agency and delve into our Bitcoin Blogspot for a wealth of free, original content. Don't mis...