Should Traditional Finance Surrender To Bitcoin?

I used to work in the “Bad Finance” industry. And then I left. Why because in my opinion, traditional finance is deeply unconscious. Firms operate solely for the profit motive. Anything that opposes them is something to be destroyed. At the end of college, I started a personal finance portal for young people to help them make better financial decisions that they will live with for the rest of their lives. Interestingly, the verdict from the startup was that people didn’t care enough to make changes. They weren’t in enough pain to make the switch to a more prudent personal financial plan. If I had known about Bitcoin back then, I probably would have focused on it. Today, the movement against traditional finance or what I would call “Bad Finance” is back in full swing. See traditional finance has caused more problems for humanity than it has solved. It has enriched 1/7th of the world at the expense of 6/7ths. To me that doesn’t seem fair. Luckily, now there is an alternative w...