HandCash - Bitcoin Wallet App Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview Alex Agut , Product Designer from HandCash to see what it is all about. I am very impressed with the professionalism, quality and speed of this Bitcoin Wallet. In this interview, Alex is nice enough to answer my questions in Q: / A: format about holding cryptocurrency on your cell phone. Readers will find our conversation full of product details and I learned a great deal about HandCash and their future prospects. Overall this makes me very optimistic about Bitcoin SV (BSV) and HandCash in general. ($JARED Handle) Jared: Where did you come up with the idea for HandCash ? Alex: My cofounder and friend Rafa and I have been working together in other projects and apps for a few years, and we’ve always liked experimenting with new technologies and create small MVPs that can demonstrate value of some sort. In summer of 2017 we started digging into Bitcoin and we thought: “Why do they call it peer to peer digital cash if it doesn’t work...