The Globalist Agenda

Based on my knowledge of how the world really works, there are several investments that I will never make. I will NOT invest in FANG stocks or large financial services companies. The profits derived from these entities are completely toxic. For example, you could make crazy profits trading FB options but it will kill you in the end. You are financing your own enslavement. After doing a ton of digging, I have determined that the Globalists goal is to depopulate the planet to cover up for their crimes. Rather than admit guilt and go to prison, they would rather burn the planet down. At this time they will hide in underground bunkers or deserted islands where tourists are not allowed to go. Their end game is to acquire life extension technology and then blast off into space to become a space-fairing civilization. Once in space, they will do the same evil stuff done on Earth but on a galactic scale. It sounds like it is straight out of a James Bond movie but it is true. Once you stop readi...