Bitcoin Cash Development Series

If you've had the opportunity to visit Coin Dance's development page, there’s a lot of creative energy evident. Several concepts are under discussion, six are classified as under development and five are completed. In an effort to raise awareness of the diligent efforts of our fellow BCH enthusiasts, this is the first of a series of articles on development projects relating to either the BCH source code or the manner in which BCH is processed by financial software. In this article, I will highlight four proposed upgrades to the BCH ecosystem in various stages of development. In a later article, I will discuss two additional development proposals in progress, as well as interview some BCH developers about the challenges they face as innovators in this burgeoning and impactful blockchain space. Finally, in a third article, I will describe the 5 development projects described as complete on Coin Dance. The 4 projects I will summarize today are: BUIP078: Enable Binary Contracts in ...